Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Oh! How Pinteresting!

Time for my favorite pins (a little quote heavy this week)... linking up with the Vintage Apple as usual! Enjoy!

true story. good reminder.


unfortunately very true in my life. trying to break this habit!

Another reminder when things get tough.

This holds a lot of weight right now. 

Another quote... but an important one.

I adore these!

Some comic relief. Thanks to Brielle for pinning this so I could laugh out loud! 

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  1. I'm glad you laughed! I died when I saw it :) Hope your week is going AWESOME! xox

  2. That e card is so me! I really do shop when I feel crappy and majority of the time it makes me feel so much better! Especially if things are on sale!!!

  3. Stopping by from Oh, How Pinteresting @ The Vintage Apple. I, too, adore those shoes!! ;)

  4. This post is awesome! I've recently been in love with finding new quotes on Pinterest and geez it's inspirational! And Schmidt Happens... Funniest thing I've seen this week!!!

  5. Schmidt!! I love him! He the best part of that show.


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